57.000 €

Rui Marciano

KW Sol Sintra

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Apresentamos para venda, numa zona privilegiada da freguesia de Vale de Cavalos, Concelho da Chamusca, Lote de terreno com área total de 344,40m2, para construção de moradia com área de implantação de 123m2 e área bruta de construção de 123m2.Situada a cerca de 105 km de Lisboa, Vale de Cavalos é uma freguesia do concelho de Chamusca (Distrito de Santarém). Situando-se mesmo onde acaba a charneca e começa a campina, a aldeia de Vale de Cavalos está edificada numa pequena elevação. Diversos achados arqueológicos comprovam que no mesmo local onde hoje está a aldeia existiu também uma povoação Lusitano-Romana há uns dois mil anos atrás. Chamava-se Trava e é, até ao momento, o mais antigo aglomerado populacional conhecido em toda a vasta área do actual concelho da Chamusca. Nas imediações da povoação, as terras do Paul de Trava, das mais férteis da Península Ibérica, foram intensamente exploradas, com excelentes resultados, ao longo dos séculos.De entre as inúmeras culturas produzidas nestas terras, tem qualidade e tradição reconhecidas a vinha que, por ficar em terras da Rainha e produzir um vinho muito apreciado na Corte, escapou ao arranque decretado pelo Marquês de Pombal para as cepas do Ribatejo. Nos últimos anos, com as novas características da agricultura e as novas exigências do mercado, diversificaram-se as produções e modernizaram-se os processos, permanecendo as terras de Vale de Cavalos na vanguarda em termos de produtividade e de introdução de novos produtos e de novas tecnologias. Atualmente, a maior riqueza da zona é a produção de madeira que se procura explorar de forma equilibrada e racional.É nesta terra, a cerca de 100km de Lisboa, onde vivem e trabalham cerca de 1.300 Valcavalenses, entre a charneca e campina, com o Tejo nos olhos e o Ribatejo no coração, que se situa este lote de terreno cheio de charme, onde poderá construir a sua moradia para habitação permanente ou para segunda habitação. Agende já a sua visita!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We present for sale, in a privileged area of Vale de Cavalos, Municipality of Chamusca, Plot of land with a total area of 344.40m2, for the construction of a house with a land area of 123m2 and a gross construction area of 123m2.Located approximately 105 km from Lisbon, Vale de Cavalos is a parish in the municipality of Chamusca (District of Santarém). Located right where the moor ends and the meadow begins, the village of Vale de Cavalos is built on a small elevation. Several archaeological finds prove that in the same place where the village is today there was also a Lusitanian-Roman settlement some two thousand years ago. It was called Trava and is, to date, the oldest known population cluster in the entire vast area of the current municipality of Chamusca. In the vicinity of the town, the lands of Paul de Trava, some of the most fertile in the Iberian Peninsula, have been intensely explored, with excellent results, over the centuries.Among the countless crops produced in these lands, the vineyard has recognized quality and tradition, which, as it is located on the Queen's land and produces a wine that is highly appreciated in the Court, escaped the start-up decreed by the Marquis of Pombal for the Ribatejo vines. In recent years, with the new characteristics of agriculture and new market demands, production has diversified and processes have been modernized, with the Vale de Cavalos lands remaining at the forefront in terms of productivity and the introduction of new products and new technologies. Currently, the greatest wealth of the area is the production of wood, which we seek to exploit in a balanced and rational way.It is in this land, around 100km from Lisbon, where around 1,300 inhabitants live and work, between the heath and the countryside, with the Tagus in their eyes and the Ribatejo in their hearts, that this plot of land full of charm is located, where you can build your permanent house  or a second home. Schedule your visit now!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nous présentons à la vente, dans une zone privilégiée de la paroisse de Vale de Cavalos, municipalité de Chamusca, un terrain d'une superficie totale de 344,40 m2, pour la construction d'une maison d'une superficie de 123 m2 et une surface brute de construction de 123m2.Située à environ 105 km de Lisbonne, Vale de Cavalos est une paroisse de la commune de Chamusca (district de Santarém). Situé là où se termine la lande et où commence la prairie, le village de Vale de Cavalos est construit sur une petite élévation. Plusieurs découvertes archéologiques prouvent qu'à l'endroit même où se trouve aujourd'hui le village, il y avait aussi une colonie lusitanienne-romaine il y a environ deux mille ans. Elle s'appelait Trava et constitue, à ce jour, le plus ancien groupe de population connu dans toute la vaste zone de l'actuelle commune de Chamusca. Aux alentours de la ville, les terres de Paul de Trava, parmi les plus fertiles de la péninsule ibérique, ont été intensément explorées, avec d'excellents résultats, au fil des siècles.Parmi les innombrables cultures produites sur ces terres, le vignoble a une qualité et une tradition reconnues qui, étant situées sur les terres de la Reine et produisant un vin très apprécié à la Cour, ont échappé à la mise en valeur décrétée par le marquis de Pombal. pour les vignes Ribatejo. Ces dernières années, avec les nouvelles caractéristiques de l'agriculture et les nouvelles exigences du marché, la production s'est diversifiée et les processus se sont modernisés, les terres de Vale de Cavalos restant à l'avant-garde en termes de productivité et d'introduction de nouveaux produits et de nouvelles technologies. Actuellement, la plus grande richesse de la région est la production de bois, que nous cherchons à exploiter de manière équilibrée et rationnelle.C'est sur cette terre, à environ 100 km de Lisbonne, où vivent et travaillent environ 1 300 habitants, entre bruyère et campagne, avec le Tage dans les yeux et le Ribatejo dans le cur, que se situe ce terrain plein de charme, où vous pouvez construire votre maison pour un logement permanent ou pour une résidence secondaire. Planifiez votre visite maintenant!

We present for sale, in a privileged area of Vale de Cavalos, Municipality of Chamusca, Plot of land with a total area of 344.40m2, for the construction of a house with a land area of 123m2 and a gross construction area of 123m2.Located approximately 105 km from Lisbon, Vale de Cavalos is a parish in the municipality of Chamusca (District of Santarém). Located right where the moor ends and the meadow begins, the village of Vale de Cavalos is built on a small elevation. Several archaeological finds prove that in the same place where the village is today there was also a Lusitanian-Roman settlement some two thousand years ago. It was called Trava and is, to date, the oldest known population cluster in the entire vast area of the current municipality of Chamusca. In the vicinity of the town, the lands of Paul de Trava, some of the most fertile in the Iberian Peninsula, have been intensely explored, with excellent results, over the centuries.Among the countless crops produced in these lands, the vineyard has recognized quality and tradition, which, as it is located on the Queen's land and produces a wine that is highly appreciated in the Court, escaped the start-up decreed by the Marquis of Pombal for the Ribatejo vines. In recent years, with the new characteristics of agriculture and new market demands, production has diversified and processes have been modernized, with the Vale de Cavalos lands remaining at the forefront in terms of productivity and the introduction of new products and new technologies. Currently, the greatest wealth of the area is the production of wood, which we seek to exploit in a balanced and rational way.It is in this land, around 100km from Lisbon, where around 1,300 inhabitants live and work, between the heath and the countryside, with the Tagus in their eyes and the Ribatejo in their hearts, that this plot of land full of charm is located, where you can build your permanent house  or a second home. Schedule your visit now!

Exterior Features - Garden; Terrace-Deck;
Views - Garden;
Listing Features - Garage;
Rua Seno e Toscano, 51
Chamusca, Vale de Cavalos
Referência de Imóvel: 2001003-170
Área do terreno: 344 m2
Área útil: 0 m2
Área bruta (CP): 0 m2
Ano de construção: 0


  • Jardim
  • Terraço/Deck
  • Vista jardim
  • Garagem


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